Inclusive Pleasure-Based Sex Ed and Empowerment Training for Authentically-Expressed Women
January 9 - December 11, 2025
with certified sexologist and author, Zoë Kors
Let's be honest. It’s hard to know what it means to be a woman in a Post-Roe world in which pornography is the de facto sex education.
What exactly is it that society is telling us about ourselves?
That we should be sexy and desirable for the consumption of others while at the same time not have our own desires because it makes us immoral or dirty.
That our own pleasure is not a priority, in fact, we are hard to please and it takes too long for us to have an orgasm.
That the government has jurisdiction over our womb, arguably the most personal and private part of our being.
And how many aging actresses do we need to witness puffing up their faces to the point of deformity to satisfy a cultural obsession with women’s youth?
It’s infuriating. It’s terrifying. And it’s confusing.
There’s more...
We receive an endless stream of messages about how we should look, smell, feel, and behave. We unknowingly internalize these ideas as truths. Our elders, ancestors, role models—the very people who might have been able to help us cultivate a powerful and authentic sense of self—were too traumatized themselves to claim their birthright of sexual pleasure and creative self-expression.
This pattern of generational trauma can stop with you.
Together, we’ll undo the trauma of patriarchy and reclaim our bodies, our pleasure, and ourselves.

“Zoë Kors has the amazing ability to simultaneously ground and inspire. She is funny, loving, wickedly bright, widely read, edgy, real, and entirely void of the affect so often found in the self-help world. She inhabits her own skin with true grace, and it’s contagious.
If you’re thinking about working with Zoë in any capacity, do it. She is remarkable. It will be one of the best investments you ever make.”
Kirstin Hotelling Zona
Coach, Professor, Author, Mom
The Problem
Do any of these statements resonate with you?
- Sex feels like a chore. It’s not a priority.
- I don't feel like the cultural narrative of what’s sexy describes me or what I want.
- I wish I felt more confident and comfortable in my body.
- I often worry about what others think.
- My relationships with women feel complicated and conflicted.
- There are moments in my dating history that I’m embarrassed or angry about.
- I often wonder if I've experienced sexual or gender trauma.
- I feel ashamed of my body.
- I used to love sex with my partner but the spark is gone and I don't know how to get it back.
- Hello menopause...I'm hot, dry, and the opposite of turned on.
- I have trouble reaching orgasm unless I am using a vibrator.
- I don't enjoy sex because I am stuck in my head.
The Solution
The Naked Truth is a one-year immersion in selfhood contained in the solace of sisterhood.
There's no one way to be a woman, to inhabit your body, to express yourself. This is not a program in which you subscribe to a particular lifestyle or get upsold on supplementary products or materials, but a guided journey through the process of unearthing the truth of who you are. We circle-up to share our stories, to be seen, to deepen our identities as individuals and as a community. In this safe container, it becomes possible to bring forth our most tender parts of ourselves, where vulnerabilities become strengths.

How it Works
The Naked Truth is a hybrid program that combines group sessions, individual coaching, self-guided study, and masterclasses with guest experts.
The program is structured in six modules, each lasting five weeks. We take a four-week break between each module to settle back into life and integrate what we’ve learned. Over the course of one year, we meet with the sisterhood a total of 30 times for an experiential journey together in a supportive community.
You will also schedule (at your convenience) two private sessions with Zoë, which will help you address your individual needs and goals for the year. You’ll be intentionally paired with one other member of the program—your “soul sister”—with whom you'll connect in a guided setting for several specific assignments.
Finally, you will have a front row seat in three masterclasses with guest experts, each specializing in a different area of truth and empowerment for women.
Six 5-week Modules With Breaks In Between for Integration

JAN 9 - FEB 7
Unearth the ways in which we’ve been conditioned to think about ourselves, our gender, and our sexuality. Decipher and the messages we've internalized as truths, find our own authentic voice, and reprogram our belief systems to be in alignment with our authentic values.
1/16—Cultural Context
1/23—Gender Narratives
1/30—Personal Influences
2/7—Intersectional Sisterhood

MAR 6 - APR 3
Whether it's a nameable act of violence or the slow drip of shame, every one of us has had experiences that alienate us from the truth of who we are. Learn practical tools for understanding and healing the ways in which we have been harmed by the context in which we exist.
3/6—Defining Trauma
3/20—Personal Inventory
3/27—Working With Your Nervous System

MAY 1 - MAY 29
When was the last time you looked at your precious body with love and admiration for the miracle it is? How comfortable are you with what you have “down there?” Learn once and for all about your body parts and how they work...not just for reproduction, but for pleasure.
5/1—Pelvic Anatomy
5/8—Genital Anatomy
5/15—The History of Reproductive Rights
5/22—Body Confidence
5/29—Myth Busting

JUN 26 - JUL 31
Chances are, no one taught you how to properly pleasure yourself. For many of us, our own desire and pleasure was taboo. Learn specific techniques and practices for experiencing unprecedented levels of pleasure and sensation. Then learn how to ask for what you want.
6/26—Your Brain on Pleasure
7/10—Sensual Awareness
7/17—Erogenous Zones
7/31—Communicating About Pleasure

SEP 11 - OCT 9
As women, we play many roles: partners, lovers, mothers, daughters, wives, aunties, bosses, employees, BFFs. How we navigate our world depends largely on how well we know ourselves beyond the masks we wear. Discover and define who you are through and through.
9/11—Defining Sexual Identity
9/18—The Attachment Myth
9/25—A Cross-Cultural Perspective
10/2—Erotic Archetypes
10/9—Values and Vision

NOV 6 - DEC 11
Embodiment is the tangible manifestation of a belief, thought, or feeling. Personal growth and development become sustainable when we embody the ideas with which we align ourselves. Live the true meaning of the phrase, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
11/6—Intimacy and Self-Care
11/13—Stillness and Movement
11/20—Integrity and Boundaries
12/4—Your Personal Blueprint
12/11—Closing Circle

The Results
Imagine being able to say the following statements as a result of your participation in The Naked Truth:
- I feel powerful and strong, deep and tender.
- I know my body inside and out and love how it works and looks.
- I have experienced an unparalleled level of pleasure. What vibrator?
- I ask for what I want and feel good about it.
- I am well-boundaries and easily advocate for myself and my needs.
- I am comfortable in my skin and have new self-confidence.
- I have found my own personal sexual style that feels authentic for me.
- I celebrate other women. There's no need to compare or compete.
- Menopause can be sexy and liberating.
- No woman is free unless all of us are free.

About Zoë Kors
Zoë Kors is a sought-after thought leader of intimacy and sexuality. Her book, Radical Intimacy: Cultivate the Deeply Connected Relationships You Desire and Deserve (Hachette, 2022) is available wherever you buy books. She is the resident sex and intimacy coach and contributor at sexual wellness app Coral and host of The Radical Intimacy Podcast. Zoë is the former Senior Editor and Creative Director of LA Yoga Magazine and has appeared in The Washington Post, Newsweek, Cosmopolitan, Well+Good, Bustle, and many other publications.
Zoë holds a BA in Art History from University of Pennsylvania. She is a certified sexologist, recognized by the American Board of Sexology, as well as a certified integrative somatic trauma therapist, certified co-Active coach, and certified death doula. Her training also includes dozens of programs and courses in sexuality and spirituality. Zoë is initiated in the Sri Vidya tantra lineage. Her work reflects her extensive study of Tantra, Zen Buddhism, Meditation, Yoga, Breathwork, and other Eastern disciplines, which she integrates with more process-oriented modalities of Western psychology and evidence-based coaching.
Zoë currently lives in Los Angeles with her husband, son, and dogs. She’s passionate about many things, the daily ritual of French press coffee, the New York Times, and attending L.A. Galaxy games top the list.
What You Get
As a valued member of The Naked Truth one-year immersion with certified sexologist and author, Zoë Kors, you receive:
• 40 hours of community sessions with sisterhood via Zoom
• 2 hours of private, individual, one-to-one coaching with Zoë
• 3 hours of masterclass with guest experts
• Access to a private What's App group just for your The Naked Truth cohort to share ideas, thoughts, feelings, challenges, and discoveries
• An intentionally assigned “soul sister” for deep and accessible support
But Wait, There’s More!
Because we all love a little swag, your tuition includes a lovely care package containing gifts and supplies for your journey.
• Your copy of Zoë’s book, Radical Intimacy: Cultivate the Deeply Connected Relationships You Desire and Deserve
• Your own The Naked Truth journal
• A handpicked glass pleasure wand from Lovehoney
• Candle, crystal, and unique inspiration card for your sanctuary

Don’t miss this life-changing opportunity to spend a year of empowerment and discovery with author and coach, Zoë Kors
Wanna talk?
If you have questions about whether The Naked Truth is right for you, or you need special requests and accommodations, book a call with Zoë to discuss your concerns.
Schedule a Call